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Toulouse Graduate School

The Toulouse Graduate School® promotes excellence in graduate education and contributes to a vibrant research environment at UNT. It oversees graduate program development and collaborates with departments on the recruitment, admission and enrollment services provided to the university’s 6,700 graduate students.

Toulouse Graduate School Excellence Fund - This fund helps the college cover student needs and respond to opportunities and challenges as they occur. Gifts help support scholarships, research opportunities and so much more.

Toulouse Scholars Program - The Toulouse Scholars Award is designed to recognize the excellent teaching and scholarly/creative achievements of members of the University of North Texas faculty and thereby honor the distinguished contributions of Robert B. Toulouse to the university. Any faculty member may nominate a colleague they believe meets the criteria. 

Colleges and Department Donor Leaderboard
This leaderboard tracks the college or department with the most donors
Rank Department Donors
1 Athletics 1,306
2 College of Health and Public Service 134
3 College of Music 130
4 College of Visual Arts and Design 93
5 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) 85
Colleges and Department Dollar Leaderboard
This leaderboard tracks which department has raised the most dollars (not including challenge dollars)
Rank Department Raised
1 Athletics $87,031.98
2 G. Brint Ryan College of Business $65,699.94
3 College of Engineering $41,876.00
4 College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences $22,309.00
5 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) $19,340.00
Rank State Gifts
1 TX 6
2 AA 0
2 AE 0
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