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College of Information

The College of Information is focused on interdisciplinary approaches to harnessing the power of information and technology. Its graduate programs in medical librarianship, school library media and library and information studies are ranked among the best in the nation.

The College of Information Research Conference Award Endowment - This endowment allows the opportunity for personal and professional development, keeps students engaged and helps the college continue to evolve.

The James L. and Peggy A. Poirot Endowed Scholarship - This scholarship was established to provide scholarships for students pursuing degrees the Department of Learning Technologies.

The Lis and Philip Turner Student Paper Award Fund - This fund was established to provide awards for Information Science students and to create and maintain a plaque listing award recipients each year. Awards are given for outstanding papers or projects resulting from students' class assignment.

Information Science Department Excellence Fund - This fund supports academic programs and enriching experiences focused on the knowledge, theory and technology dealing with the collection of both traditional and digital information resources, and the user-oriented processes and methods involved in their manipulation, storage, dissemination, publication and retrieval.

Learning Technologies Department Excellence Fund - This fund supports academic programs and enriching experiences focused on the knowledge of tools, techniques and methods used by learning technology professionals like game design, internet development and information processing.

Linguistics Department Excellence Fund - This fund supports academic programs and enriching experiences focused on the core areas and methodologies of Linguistics, including phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics, as well as specialized areas such as computational linguistics, historical linguistics, language documentation, language variation, language and law, politics of language and more.

Colleges and Department Donor Leaderboard
This leaderboard tracks the college or department with the most donors
Rank Department Donors
1 Athletics 1,306
2 College of Health and Public Service 134
3 College of Music 130
4 College of Visual Arts and Design 93
5 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) 85
Colleges and Department Dollar Leaderboard
This leaderboard tracks which department has raised the most dollars (not including challenge dollars)
Rank Department Raised
1 Athletics $87,031.98
2 G. Brint Ryan College of Business $65,699.94
3 College of Engineering $41,876.00
4 College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences $22,309.00
5 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) $19,340.00
Rank State Gifts
1 TX 14
2 OR 1
2 KS 1
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