The Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science (TAMS) at the University of North Texas (UNT) is the nation's first early college entrance residential program for gifted high school aged students. If admitted into TAMS, students withdraw from their high schools and enter the world of university education at UNT, a Tier 1 research institution. Mentored by faculty at UNT, TAMS students tackle complex, real-world problems, working on solutions and breakthroughs in fields ranging from healthcare to energy consumption. TAMS at UNT serves as an important pipeline for STEM education, nurturing the next generation of innovators.
TAMS Dean's Excellence Fund - By allowing the flexibility to support everything from student scholarships to travel expenses, this fund helps TAMS respond to the unforeseen needs of our students, faculty and staff that arise throughout the year.
TAMS General Scholarships - This fund supports current TAMS students. By giving to the general scholarship fund, you help TAMS at UNT provide holistic development and achievement for the high school students in the program.